Intellectual Outputs
What the project has produced.
IO1-A1: Desk reseach
Qualitative and quantitative data collection in the form of questionnaires has been used to map out the current scene in each partner country. Focus groups has been organised in order to verify-compare the findings of the survey above, and to present recommendations that will be useful and constructive.
- Internationale Umfrage zur digitalen Staatsangehörigkeit (für Jugendarbeieter/innen oder Erzieher/innen) (DE)
- Ciudadanía Digital y Jóvenes (ES)
- Ψηφιακή πολιτότητα και Λειτουργοί Νεολαίας (GRE)
- Ψηφιακή πολιτότητα και Λειτουργοί Νεολαίας (CY)
- Skaitmeninė pilietybė darbe su jaunimu (LT)
- Internationale Umfrage zur digitalen Staatsangehörigkeit (für Jugendliche) (DE)
- Ciudadanía Digital y Jóvenes (ES)
- Ψηφιακή πολιτότητα και Νέοι (GRE)
- Ψηφιακή πολιτότητα και Νέοι (CY)
- Skaitmeninė pilietybė ir jaunimas (LT)
IO1-A2: National Indexes
Each partner has prepared a National Report based on a given template by the IO Leader, presenting the state of the art in their country. In order to ensure practicality, the INDEX in the form of questions will be designed so that information can be extracted more easily.
- National Index - Germany (PDF)
- National Index - Germany (Infographics)
- National Index - Ireland (PDF)
- National Index - Ireland (Infographics)
- National Index - Lithuania (PDF)
- National Index - Lithuania (Infographics)
- National Index - Cyprus (PDF)
- National Index - Cyprus (Infographics)
- National Index - Greece (PDF)
- National Index - Greece (Infographics)
- National Index - Spain (PDF)
- National Index - Spain (Infographics)
IO1-A3: Comparative Report
The report reflects the state of the art on digital citizenship and the level of knowledge and skills of young people and youth workers. It includes the analysis of tools and methods, the results of the survey for mapping out the provision of opportunities for digital citizenship literacy and the profile of young people in terms of needs and gaps. It is presented in an INDEX form for easier use and reference based on questions and statements, i.e. What good practices at the public sector can be seen in DE for promoting digital citizenship literacy? What are the challenges and needs of young people in LI?
IO1-A4: Expert Advisory Group-Synergies with Expert Associate Partner
The consortium has created an Expert Advisory Group which include one Expert Associate Partner from each partner country.

IO1-A45: Building the DICIPASS4YOUTH Academy and tool bank
All partners collected professional development opportunities offered in each partner country and the EU level (KA1 Mobility Courses) and e-tools/e-resources/good practices to support the teaching of digital citizenship concepts, values and competences. The developed e-Databank has all materials categorised with the possibility to filter by topic or category.
IO2-A1: DICIPASS Competence Framework
The consortium designed of a practical and constructive framework with inbuilt benchmarks (aims and objectives for the trainers) and indicators (level of acquisition of competences for the learner).
The Code of Conduct exists for the partner organisations, youth workers and young people, as a commonly agreed rules to secure respect, diversity, tolerance, protection of data, human rights etc. The document is used as a binding agreement of the DICIPASS4YOUTH COMMUNITIES.
IO2-A3: Translation in partner languages
IO3-A1: Design and development of the Educational Back Pack - Teaching and learning material
The consortium produced learning modules for exploring and teaching digital citizenship issues as identified in IO2 e.g. consumers literacy, cyber bullying, protection of data, footprints in an interactive and creative digital way: e.g. on-line learning modules, educational/ informative videos, off line booklets, digital story books resources, games, simulations etc.
- Introduction Module: What is Digital Citizenship
- Module 1: Digital Etiquette
- Module 2: Digital Access
- Module 3: Digital Law and Copyright
- Module 4: Digital Literacy
- Module 5: Digital Communication
- Module 6: Digital Commerce
- Module 7: Digital Rights and Responsibility
- Module 8: Digital Security
- Module 9: Digital Health and well-being
IO3-A2: Structure for Blended learning courses for Youth Workers and Youth People
The program of the blended learning courses was designed in order to be ready for the C1 short term staff mobility.
IO3-A3: Production of Campaign
The partners produced relevant of material, on-line (youtube, videos, radio etc.) and off-line in order to built up the DICIPASS4YOUTH COMMUNITIES.
IO3-A4: Translation in partner languages
The translations of the EduPack modules are incorporated into the e-Academy functionality.
IO4-A1: Design the eco-system for the implementation and use of the Open Badges
The consortium created the structure (levels, hierarchy connections between single badges or group of badges) and the graphic design of badge system in order to build the validity and credibility of badge certificates.
IO3-A2: Preparation of the DICIPASS4YOUTH GUIDE
The produced guide consists of practical guidelines for issuing an OPEN BADGE by using the open-platform to be developed.
- DICIPASS Challenge - Guidebook for the assessment tool and e-learning portal (PDF)
- DICIPASS Challenge - Guidebook for the assessment tool and e-learning portal 🇩🇪 (PDF, DE)
- DICIPASS Challenge - Guidebook for the assessment tool and e-learning portal 🇪🇸 (PDF, ES)
- DICIPASS Challenge - Guidebook for the assessment tool and e-learning portal 🇬🇷 (PDF, GR)
- DICIPASS Challenge - Guidebook for the assessment tool and e-learning portal 🇱🇹 (PDF, LT)
IO3-A3: Development of the dynamic assessment platform and DICIPASS4YOUTH CHALLENGE TOOL - GENIE
Design, development and upload of the dynamic and interactive assessment and e-learning platform for the management of the DICIPASS Programme.
The development of this practical and innovative kit is meant to empower organisations in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness (public expenditure and funding) through the implementation of the DICIPASS4YOUTH programme (IO5), introduce quality standards, monitoring rubrics, guidelines etc., as well as other supporting actions essential to ensure participation and success i.e. campaign and petition and sustainability of products i.e. creation of DICIPASS4YOUTH SUPPORT TEAM/SOCIETY etc.
- Level Up! A manual on how to run a digital citizenship programme in your community (PDF)
- Level Up! A manual on how to run a digital citizenship programme in your community 🇩🇪 (PDF, DE)
- Level Up! A manual on how to run a digital citizenship programme in your community 🇪🇸 (PDF, ES)
- Level Up! A manual on how to run a digital citizenship programme in your community 🇬🇷 (PDF, GR)
- Level Up! A manual on how to run a digital citizenship programme in your community 🇱🇹 (PDF, LT)
IO5-A2: DICIPASS4TYOUTH COMMUNITIES - Implementation and evaluation of DICIPASS4YOUTH Programme
The piloting phase of the programme took place in each partner country (except Spain and Ireland). The partners selected 10-20 young people, 2 youth workers and 2 experts who were be involved in the organisation of the various activities and training for the acquisition of digital citizenship skills related to a set of concepts chosen by each partners country to meet the needs of the young people. The implementation took various forms (e.g. intensive summer school, after-school SOCIETIES) depending on the context of each partner country and organisation and the duration was approximately 50 hours based on blended learning activities (F2F or on-line).
- Piloting in Germany 🇩🇪
- Piloting in Cyprus 🇨🇾
- Piloting in Lithuania 🇱🇹
- Piloting in Greece 🇬🇷