International Conference

Sharing the best practices from the DICIPASS project.
Digital Citizens,
Where Are You?
On track to raise resilient digital native generation
The conference in Erfurt is meant to bring together different stakeholders from the youth and social work, digital and media education, vocational and higher education institutions to discuss the main challenges in preparing young people to be digital citizens.
- Salinenstr. 34, 99086 Erfurt
- 12:00-18:00

The conference starts in:
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Tea, coffee, refreshments, and a chance to connect with young people, youth workers, youth organisations, and academics active in the fields of digitalisation, education and youth.
Dr. Ammalia Podlaszewska, Chairperson of the Board of CGE Erfurt e.V., will give an introduction to the DICIPASS project, outlining how it emerged, how it is connected to CGE Erfurt e.V.’s mission and how it responds to the rapidly shifting digital contexts of young people’s civic, social, cultural and educational lives.
Haytham Mones is a researcher interested in Human Rights, Media, Public Sector reform and eGovernment. He is a PhD Student at Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) and holds an MPP from the University of Erfurt in Germany, another MA of Global Citizenship, Identities and Human Rights from the University of Nottingham, UK, and a BSc in Engineering from Cairo University. His professional experience comprises several positions in public, non-profit and private sectors. Before his PhD, he was an Advisor for GIZ Egypt in Public Sector Reform. He also led various community initiatives in Egypt with a focus on digital participation and human rights, such as Qestas and GlobalMeter.
As a multi-year collaborative project between six NGOs and universities, from six EU member states, the DICIPASS project had several stages of action, from research to piloting and more. Here, Dr. Ammalia Podlaszewska will present the timeline of the project and the learning of the consortium through this process.
During this activity, the participants will have a chance to walk around and engage with different presenters to explore outputs produced by the project consortium, namely:
- A Comparative Index on Digital Citizenship in Youth Work
- A Code of Conduct & Competence Framework for Digital Citizenship Education
- Teaching Materials for Youth Workers
- Our online tools: the DICIPASS e-Academy, e-Databank, e-Community and e-Assessment tool
- Our online Toolkit for youth workers looking to implement our program locally.
Participants will, based on interest, split into two parallel workshops that demonstrate the educational materials developed throught the DICIPASS project.
Led by two pedagogues, the conference attendees will reflect on the materials piloted and on the digital citizenship education context of their own work.
‘Digital Citizenship Educators, Where are You?’
How do universities, schools, vocational education service providers, and non-formal educators engage with digital citizenship education?
Eléna Bajrić, Project manager for European mobility at the European Placement Network Germany.
Moritz Borchardt, Vice-President of the DARE network (Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe).
Dr. Hasnain Bokhari, Research Associate for Internationalization and Digitalization of Teaching (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy).
The conference will take place in the cultural headquarters of Erfurt Nord – Saline34 building.
Saline34 is a unique case of urban revitalization through youth participation. Since 2011, Platform e.V. together with other stakeholders and youth activists has been making an empty house in the north of Erfurt usable again. With alternative forms of use and the creative potential of the users, Saline34 has become a beacon of a new enabling culture in the north of Erfurt.
Salinenstr. 34
99086 Erfurt

Learn more about digital citizenship!
Sign up for the conference. Registration is free of charge until August 1st, 2022.