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September 2019
DICIPASS Kick-Off Meeting // Cyprus
On the past 12th and 13th of September our partners in Cyprus, Emphasys Centre, hosted the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ Youth project DICIPASS4YOUTH (Digital Citizenship for Youth Empowerment). CGE Erfurt e.V. has participated along with four other partners: University of Pieraus (Greece), Global Citizens’ Academy (Lithuania), CCS Digital Education Limited (Ireland) and Open Europe (Spain). The meeting allowed all the participants to explore the new potentials created for teaching and learning using the Oculus…
Find out more »March 2020
Focus Group Discussion // Germany
On March 20, 2020 CGE Culture Goes Europe - Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt e.V. run the Virtual Discussion on Digital Citizenship as a Focus Group activity of our Erasmus+“Digital Citizenship Pass for Youth” project. Fourteen participants from #Erfurt, #Weimarand #Berlin have joined us; youth workers, educators and teachers among them. Interesting key findings? Digital citizenship is a hot topic for young people, especially in the times like now, with COVID-19 preventing the full participation in public social…
Find out more »November 2021
DICIPASS Workshops // Piloting // Cyprus
On the 12th and 13th of November of 2021, Emphasys Centre organized the pilot testing of the DICIPASS4YOUTH Programme in Nicosia. In total, 15 young people (14 to 23 years old), attended the DICIPASS4YOUTH Workshops which were focused on teaching young people how to use social media and digital technologies safely, efficiently, and responsibly. During the workshops, young people explored the world of DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP and had the opportunity to learn more about its 9…
Find out more »DICIPASS Workshops // Piloting // Lithuania
The piloting testing of the Global Citizens’ Academy had taken place in Lithuania, Kaunas on the 12th - 14th of November, 2021. The piloting program was planned for 36 young people from 16 to 24 years old. The actual number of attended young people was 27. Throughout the piloting sessions, young people tested methods and assignments related to Digital Communication and Digital Literacy modules. During the piloting testing, we tried to grasp the essence of…
Find out more »June 2022
DICIPASS Multiplier Event & Final Conference // Spain
Open Europe Reus hosted their Multiplier Event for the Erasmus+ KA2 Project DICIPASS on the 17th of June, after the final transnational partner meeting of the project. As well as introducing the IOs to the partners, the event enabled participants to engage in some of the modules created through this project, with a workshop run based on the ‘Digital Rights and Responsibilites’ module. The event was held in Reus, and engaged local stakeholders, as well…
Find out more »July 2022
DICIPASS Multiplier Event // Cyprus
The multiplier event by the Cypriot partner, Emphasys Centre, for the DICIPASS4YOUTH project was organised in Polystipos a rural village in Cyprus, on the 24th of July 2022. The event took place at the Polystipos Community Center, with the support of Polystipos Young Community which is an active community that offers several workshops and training in their young community for digital citizenship. During the Multiplier Event, all the Intellectual Outputs are presented in detail, and…
Find out more »DICIPASS Multiplier Event // Ireland
The multiplier event for the project DICIPASS was organized by CCS Digital Education Limited (CCSDE) on Friday 29th of July 2022, between 09:30 to 16:00. The venue was CCSDE Headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. The number of participants was 11, coming from various fields and occupations in the youth and education sectors. Everyone that attended the event, received dissemination material and certification of attendance towards the event conclusion. The event started around 9:30 with registration of…
Find out more »August 2022
International Conference “Digital Citizens, Where Are You?”
The conference in Erfurt is meant to bring together different stakeholders from the youth and social work, digital and media education, vocational and higher education institutions to discuss the main challenges in preparing young people to be digital citizens.
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